Tower Crane Services
If your company owns its own tower crane or self erector but no plant department, then we can be of service whether you would like to repair, erect, dismantle, transport or sale. Irish Crane & Lifting can supply all lifting services from choosing the correct tower crane for the job to testing and certifying the crane to HSA standards.
We can provide parts and services for most tower crane makes & models
Crane Survey & Repairs
The first stage of our crane service is to view the site drawings to ensure that your tower crane will be sufficient, We will then survey the crane and report on any missing parts and repairs that are required prior to commissioning. All parts and labour will be quoted at the best possible rates. Repairs are carried out prior to erection so that the crane is running and tested for functionality prior to erection.
Loading & Transport
Next we can provide mobile craneage, labour and transport to ensure that crane can be received on site in the correct sequence for erection. Irish Crane & Lifting will ensure that all parts are loaded and accounted so that the crane can be erected according to the manufacturers manual.
Mobile Craneage Service
With our close relationship with mobile crane companies nationwide, we can take the full contract lift with the correct mobile crane for the job.
Once the crane is erected it must be tested to ensure it has the correct lifting capacities and all safety features are functioning correctly. If you have any queries about these services, then fill in the form below and we will contact you within 24 hours to answer any questions you may have.
Industrial Crane Services

Industrial cranes can range vastly across all industries with every company requiring different options for their lifting applications. At Irish Crane & Lifting we can provide new equipment as well as servicing your existing cranes, no matter the make, model or year of manufacture.
Services we provide include GA1 certification of your factory cranes. Full inspection and preventative maintenance. Replacement wire ropes, lifting chain and spare parts.
If you have a requirement for any services for your cranes please don’t hesitate to contact us and one of our staff will be happy to discuss your details with you.
Test & Certification
Due to our experience of over 30 years, we have amassed a vast knowledge of cranes and lifting equipment and provide a full testing & certification service to anywhere in the 32 counties of Ireland.
We provide full GA1 and LOLER examinations with all certificates available through our online hub using Sitecert (further info below).
We certify factory cranes, truck cranes, hoists, lifting beams, teleporters, excavators, wire ropes, chains, clamps etc.
Don’t let this happen to your equipment. Contact us with any questions or for a quotation.
When you contract Irish Crane & Lifting to carry out your on sight test & certification, you have to option to utilise all the benefits that the Sitecert system has to offer. All equipment is recorded in handheld computers and this completely eliminates the need for paperwork. Sitecert benefits include
- GA1 certificates generated on-site automatically by testers
- All certificates held online and can be viewed or downloaded without the need to print
- Full register of cranes and lifting equipment (see sample)
- Equipment can be grouped by location, item group, manufacturer etc.
For more information see Sitecert website.